Biotherapy is not a substitute for medicine. Biotherapy is complementary to all
other medical procedures and update the same, although in very many cases shows a lot more successful results regardless of the patient's age and disease. It is important to emphasize that the
application of this therapy should not discontinue medication or any other form of medical treatment or procedure that is prescribed by a physician. If you feel improvement after treatment with
bioenergy, be sure to talk with your doctor to change the medical treatment and do not change your treatment prescribed by a medicine on your own.
About Bio EnergyBio-Disz is :
A natural energy generating device that produces SCALAR Energy frequencies
that have no negative side effects.Which creates specifically rejuvenates molecular structures in all liquids. The molecular structure causes any liquid to become more hydrations, taste better
and extend shelf life.
Product Specification:-
Description: Round Clear Glass
Diameter: 90 mm
Thickness: 10 mm
Bio Disc guard
Description: protect proper box.
Diameter: 95 mm
Thickness: 18 mm
Creation of structural Disk
The Bio Disc is made of 13 TECHNICALLY ENGINEERED natural minerals. A NANO
FUSION process using several high heat fusion methods, structurally bonds the minerals together, at a molecular level. The combination of the minerals and the fusion techniques produces a
catalytic conversion of energy known as “Scalar Energy”. Quantum science technology develops a long lasting natural scalar resonance which has the ability to be transferred to any liquid,
renewing the natural molecular chains.How does Bio-Disk transfer energy in liquid ?The Bio Disc energy spins into the liquid, counter clockwise, the liquid can be poured over the bio disc where
it ‘picks up 'the resonance. The resonance generated is similar to that which is found in the earth surrounding many healing spring waters of the world.